Zatanna Photoshoot [2013]

12 March 2013

By the time I had finished shooting with Enix Remix, Sylpharios had joined us in her Zatanna cosplay. The OtaKing suggested that we do a shoot together, and who was I to turn down an invitation like that? 😉

It was my first time meeting Sylpharios and though I was a bit intimidated, she was so cool and out-going that it wound up being a really fun shoot.

The inside of the hat was totally dark so I had to work some magic of my own in Photoshop just to make it not look like a shapeless blob. I should probably invest in a flash at some point, but that’s just more stuff to carry.

And buy.

And learn about. DX

Sylpharios had a bunch of great poses already thought up, so it was really just a matter of me getting her in frame and in focus — two of my worst enemies. 😛 (And of course today was really the first time I’d ever used the 50mm for photoshoots indoors-ish.)

I love this pose and shot! 😀

But it was actually taken after our shoot was done and I don’t think she was even posing! She was dramatically suggesting a location to Sojian for their shoot — I just cropped him out. XD

This is another shot that I like a lot and I was lucky to get it! She had just pointed out the spot to Sojian for their shoot (previous photo) and caught me shooting, so she did a quick pose for me.

Sorry about the weird shape; I cropped Sojian out of this shot also and it looked really weird in its original aspect ratio. ^^;

I also managed to get a couple of sneaky shots when she shot with some of the other photogs present. XD

So many lucky shots in the full album that I think Zatanna used a little bit of her magic to help me out. ^^;

Check out the full album on my Facebook, linked below!

2013 01 05 Sat: Zatanna Photoshoot

Full Coverage of Anime Los Angeles 2013:

Anime Los Angeles 9, Days 1-3
Final Fantasy VII Photoshoot
Zatanna Photoshoot

Final Fantasy VII Photoshoot [2013]

05 March 2013

We finally press forward with this first photoshoot from Anime LA 9!

On Day 2 of ALA 9 I ran into SNTP, who graciously invited me to his shoot with Enix Remix!

To be honest, I’m not familiar at all with Final Fantasy (I only know they were cosplaying FFVII b/c they told me OTL ) and only really knew one of the group members, but they were all so chill and they came up with such great ideas that I didn’t really have to worry about anything besides making sure I stopped laughing long enough to push the button. I hope you can sense the fun we had in these pictures!

Red XIII (cosplayed by Yufi) was always mugging for the camera, and I was always waiting to see what he would come up with next! I think Yuffie and Cid were just talking, but Red XIII just elevates this shot, lol.

Cait and his (her!) Moogle.

If I had any Photoshop skills, I’d make Red XIII’s tail actual FIRE!

I love this shot — everyone is having such a great time! Like most of the poses here and in the full album, everyone was just riffing off each other!

Cloud had been doing a one-on-one shoot with SNTP and finally rejoined us!

Cloud and Red XIII decided to start up a band, but apparently, some people just can’t appreciate talent! XD

Yuffie was in the middle of her shoot with SNTP, so I snuck a shot! XD

Snuck another shot when Cait and Moogle did their shoot, too!

After SNTP’s one-on-one shoots, they did some more group photos with SNTP and Sojian. As always, I was happy to watch the pros work… and, of course, steal some shots! 😉

I love Cloud’s expression here, haha.

Thanks again to SNTP and Enix Remix for the invite and I’m looking forward to hanging out with everyone again soon!

See many more photos in the album on my Facebook, linked below!

2013 01 05 Sat: Final Fantasy VII Photoshoot

Full Coverage of Anime Los Angeles 2013:

Anime Los Angeles 9, Days 1-3
Final Fantasy VII Photoshoot
Zatanna Photoshoot

Anime Los Angeles 9, Days 1-3 [2013]

05 February 2013

Back for another Anime Los Angeles! Managed to check out a little bit of all three days, but to be honest, most of the con was spent hanging out with friends and just derping. Here are the few photos fit for public consumption!

As I did at PMX, I showed up ridiculously late on Day 1, but thankfully was able to get my badge! After wandering around a bit and running into a bunch of different friends, I finally made it to the Chocolate Covered Cosplay panel.

Was kind of just wandering around the dealers hall on Saturday when I saw this awesome Mari and just had to take her picture. I didn’t even realize it was the awesome ninjagal6 until afterwards!

Figures! I was surprised by the number of figure vendors here, to be honest. More than I expected.

DVD box sets at a not terrible price! If I hadn’t already gotten that AnoHana set I prolly would’ve picked it up.

These Nightcrawler and Mystique cosplayers were so awesome! But what happened to Nightcrawler’s X-Men logo? :3a

We beat the rush for noms, apparently. As we were getting ready to leave, I took a picture of this Mami from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika who was waiting with her friends to be seated.

My friends and I hit up the dance later in the evening. No, these are not me or my friends. 😛

We also hit up karaoke! I don’t do karaoke myself, but it’s fun to hear some talented (and not so talented) singers take the stage. There are a few performances on my YouTube channel!

Cute! I think she may’ve been at ReactorCon?

SNTP invited me along to his shoot with Missyeru, so I snuck a few shots. ^^

We went for crepes and food afterwards. The crepe place was so small that we filled the entire place!

Not much in the way of loots, but I do have to say that the cloth bag is probably the nicest bag I’ve ever gotten at a con! The separate programming schedule was a nice touch, though you had to grab that yourself. All the ribbons and the button (“COSPLAYING as a Responsible Adult”) are courtesy of my friends, like last year. ♥

Photoshoots will be forthcoming in separate posts. (EDIT: They’re here! Two shoots, one each of FFVII and Zatanna) Check out my YouTube channel for karaoke clips from Day 2 and see more photos on my Facebook linked below!

2013 01 04-06 Fri-Sun: Anime Los Angeles, Days 1-3

Full Coverage of Anime Los Angeles 2013:

Anime Los Angeles 9, Days 1-3
Final Fantasy VII Photoshoot
Zatanna Photoshoot