Little Tokyo Adventures [Jul 2013]

The Twelve Posts of Christmas continues on with Post Eight!

Spent a lot of time in Little Tokyo after (and even during!) Anime Expo — pretty much once a week! Most of it was spur-of-the-moment stuff and just hanging out with friends. ♥ Here are a few of the photos I can share from July. 😉

A couple of friends of mine wanted some photos, so we met up and derped around. I felt that this lonely Mercedes needed a model, lol.

There are always cosplayers in Little Tokyo, even when there aren’t any events going on! Here are Vocaloids Megurine Luka and Kagamine Rin!

Headshots for my actor friend Jackson. You’ll be seeing more of him soon! ;D

There was apparently a shooting right outside Weller Court, where we were hanging out! D:

One of my friends works at Bar C and made this with love for another of my friends!

See a few more random Little Tokyo photos on my Facebook Page!

2013 07 13 Sat/07 27 Sat: Little Tokyo Adventures

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